Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Increase Windows XP Icon Cache size to reduce the icon flicker problem

http://www.google.com/search?q=windows+xp+icon+refresh+ />

I cost 1 hour to get such solution.

powered by performancing firefox

I was punishment with 100 Yen when I drive my car...


Badminton is great

Badminton can make fat man diet quickly, trust me.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Broke up with girl friend... sad

We finally broke up after 3 years’ relationship, we still can’t be together because we finally

found that we don’t meet each other, we don’t have the common interests, so leave is better than

keep together I think, we broke up peacefully and still be friends. She is a good girl, Good luck to her

I will search my part later